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In order to effectively deal with climate change, our current economic system requires a rapid transition towards a more sustainable, bio-based economy. This transition is however complex and currently still faces many challenges.

The ABBEE (Accelerating the transition towards the Bio-Based Economy via Education) project aims to enhance Europe's competitive position in the field of bio-based economy and prepare students for their future in a bio-based economy by improving education and facilitating innovation.

ABBEE is an EU collaboration between Wageningen University and Research (the Netherlands), University of Hohenheim (Germany), University of Eastern Finland (Finland) Aarhus University (Denmark) and other key stakeholders in industry and research. Four blended and interconnected learning modules have been created by the academic institutions in their respective expertise, each addressing a vital part within the bio-based economy value chain.

We hope you leave more knowledgeable and inspired to enhance the transition towards a bio-based economy.
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Our courses
Click on a course for more information
defining the concept
Concepts of Sustainable Bioeconomy Bioeconomy
building the infrastructure
Forest Bioeconomy In Europe

Agropproduction for Biorefining and BioenergyBiorefining
making a sustainable impact
Advanced Sustainable EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship